学生 with wide varieties of educational experience can convert this experience into college credit. Credit may be earned by the following methods:
- 部门的能力
- 投资组合
- College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- 先修课程 (AP)
- 军队服役经历
- 高中英语
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
For any questions regarding credits that would not appear on an official transcript, please contact Enrollment Services at registrar@easy-tutor.net.
部门的能力 -这种方法为学生提供了一个在个人基础上展示他们的课程知识和能力的机会, 如果成功, 被授予学分.
这种方法为学生提供了一个机会,在个人的基础上展示他们的课程和知识, 如果成功, 被授予学分. The student must demonstrate mastery of a course through examination. 想要参加部门能力评估的学生应首先联系十大平台网赌下载最新服务部门. 在所有情况下, 有关使用方法的决定以及根据熟练程度授予学分的决定属于该部门. The student may earn no more than 50% of proficiency credit in the curriculum leading to a degree. 十大平台网赌下载最新熟练课程的费用包括每学分10美元的学费,这是不可退还的,每门课程的录制作费为1美元. Special fees will be assessed for certain courses requiring additional evaluative materials.
投资组合 学生可以尝试通过撰写和提交先前学习作品集(PLP)来获得大学水平终身学习或体验式学习的学分。.
学生可以尝试通过撰写和提交先前学习作品集(PLP)来获得大学水平终身学习或体验式学习的学分。. To use this option, a student must complete LIB 240. A student may only submit a PLP for courses approved by departments. A current list of courses is maintained in the 建议 Center and with the ALS degree advisor(s). A maximum of nine credit hours may be earned toward any degree.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) -十大平台网赌下载最新根据以下既定的学院政策,根据CLEP分数授予学分.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
大学水平考试计划(CLEP)是一项全国性的考试服务,为学生提供一个从课堂外的经历中展示大学水平学习的机会. 十大平台网赌下载最新根据以下既定的学院政策,根据CLEP分数授予学分. 十大平台网赌下载最新仅向目前入学或已获得学院学分的学生授予基于CLEP分数的机构学分. Transferability of CLEP credit is subject to the policies of the transfer school. All CLEP examinations are in addition to, 不是替代, other forms of proficiency examinations, including departmental proficiency examinations. No grades are assigned for credit received through CLEP. 想要在CLEP分数的基础上完成十大平台网赌下载最新学分的学生应该联系十大平台网赌下载最新服务部门了解具体细节和等效性.
College Level Examination Program Equivalencies (PDF)
先修课程 -参加高中先修课程(AP)的学生可能有资格获得学分和先修课程.
This program and associated tests are offered only in high schools. 参加高中先修课程(AP)的学生可能有资格获得学分和先修课程. 3分, 美国大学理事会大学先修课程考试的第4和第5项应被接受为满足学位要求的学分. Certain scores will be granted credit for general education requirements, whereas others may be granted for electives.
完成AP考试的学生应要求大学入学考试委员会将其AP成绩发送到十大平台网赌下载最新服务办公室. Upon notification, students may then have any credit which was awarded placed on their transcript. A transcript recording fee of $10 per course transferred will be assessed. 十大平台网赌下载最新 grants credit according to the following Advanced Placement Transfer Credit chart.
Request to Record Advanced Placement Score (PDF)
军队服役经历 – 退伍军人 are eligible to receive credit for health and physical education and military training.
Health and Physical Education Credit
收到这份信用证, 申请人必须向登记官提交他们的DD表格214(美国武装部队转移或退役报告). 退伍军人有资格获得卫生102学分(2个学分)和体育(4个学分),条件是服兵役时间超过一年. There is no charge for recording this credit on the transcript.
Guidelines for the acceptance of DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST), previously known as just DANTES, and United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) are available from the Enrollment Services Office.
Military training school experiences will be evaluated by personnel in the appropriate department, 只有在现有的大学课程与所接受的军事训练相匹配的情况下,才能获得学分, otherwise elective credits will be awarded toward an associate degree as long as credits are college level. 评估将基于美国教育委员会(ACE)的“武装部队教育经验评估指南”,该指南列在官方联合服务成绩单上. 有军训经历的学生应首先联系十大平台网赌下载最新服务办公室,并要求将正式的联合服务成绩单发送到十大平台网赌下载最新. There is no charge for evaluating transfer credit from a Joint Services Transcript.
高中英语 -这些协议使完成特定高中课程的学生能够获得特定大学课程的学分.
The college has a number of articulation agreements with area high schools. 这些协议使完成特定高中课程的学生能够获得特定大学课程的学分. 有关职业技术教育(CTE)课程和明确学分要求的信息, contact the CTE Transition Coordinator at 309-796-5160.
The State Seal of Biliteracy, codified in Illinois Public Act 099-0600, provides recognition to high school students who have demonstrated proficiency in speaking, reading and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. 根据入学学生的要求,在他们的官方/最终高中成绩单上加盖国家双语印章, 十大平台网赌下载最新将在学院开设的课程中授予相当于两年外语学分的大学学分.
International Baccalaureate (IB) -学分将被授予选修课,学生可以与适当的学术部门合作,以确定IB评估是否可以作为十大平台网赌下载最新特定课程的学分.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, 国际文凭课程各科目成绩达4分或以上,可获学分以满足学位要求. 学分将被授予选修课,学生可以与适当的学术部门合作,以确定IB评估是否可以作为学分转移到特定的十大平台网赌下载最新课程.